New Delhi: Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer has sent his report to the Election Commission in Delhi on sting operations by private news channels which purportedly showed money being offered to MLAs to vote in favour of certain candidates for the June 11 Rajya Sabha polls in the state.
Highly-placed sources in the Commission said the report was sent by the CEO last night and the poll panel will discuss the issue on Thursday.
But a final decision may be arrived on Friday when the ‘full Commission’ meets. The ‘full Commission’ meets every Tuesday and Friday to discuss latest issues.
On June 3, the EC had asked CEO Karnataka to provide a report on the “facts of the matter”.
The CEO’s report is based on CDs which the channels had provided and culled out portions where either bribe is being offered or demanded.
The ‘full Commission’ incidentally could not meet today as some senior officials, including its legal brains, were to attend a meeting of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law and Personnel.
The sting by two channels on June 2 had purportedly showed MLAs negotiating a money deal in exchange for their votes in the biennial elections to four Rajya Sabha seats from the state.
Five candidates are in the fray for the elections to the four seats.
The Congress had on Tuesday approached the Commission pleading against countermanding the election to the four seats from Karnataka in the backdrop of the “sting operations”.